The perfect mobility solution, shopping rollator with seats

Mobility problems have become one of the main challenges that older people have to face, as well as those with a disease that affects mobility or who have an injury. 

In many of these cases, people must use an external mobility support (such as a cane or the traditional orthopedic walker) to continue being autonomous in their day to day, but the reality is that they tend to be quite reluctant to use this type of products since they identify them with being sick or with being dependent.

Carro de la compra con asiento Comfort

Choosing the ideal mobility support, although it may seem like a very simple task, is a very complex and important decision since the autonomy and independence of the user will depend on this solution.

We can see how in recent years, walkers have become one of the most used solutions for people with mobility problems thanks to their wide range of models and features, which allow us to offer the ideal solution to very particular needs.

To choose the walker that best suits the needs of each user, several aspects must be taken into account that are very important and that we will explain below:


This aspect is one of the most important points to take into account when choosing the walker.

It is essential that the shopping rollator has a built-in brake in order to offer maximum safety to the user when moving around. Today we can find models of approved walkers on the market that have up to 2 built-in brakes (one for blocking and the other for parking). It is also important to note that the wheels have different positions, since there are users who prefer to have the wheels in a fixed position to be safer.

Carro de la compra con asiento y freno seguridad

Shopping trolley design 

The design of the walkers is a key aspect for your choice. The vast majority of walkers on the market have a very orthopedic and robust design. This means that many people, just by hearing the word walker, associate it with an archaic solution and do not want to use it, despite the multiple benefits it would offer them in their daily lives.

Luckily, in recent years new models of walkers have come out with a much more innovative and avant-garde design. This is the case of shopping rollator with seats, a perfect solution for people who need external mobility support to go out for a walk or shop, but who want to do so with a product with a modern design and adapted to their autonomy needs. and security.

Carro de la compra con asiento andador Comfort

The shopping rollator for seniors adaptable

The degree of mobility of the user will determine the most suitable walker model. For people who are independent and can walk but need a little support to be safer and to be able to sit down to rest when necessary, an ideal model is the shopping rollator with a seat, since it allows you to do all daily activities with a very ergonomic and adaptable solution to each user. For people who have little mobility and who need external support to walk, get up, stand... the best solution is approved walkers, since they are certified as medical products and offer maximum safety.

Carros de la compra con asiento Comfort

Accessibility inside and outside the home

It is very important to take into account the surface on which the walker is going to be used, since it is not the same to use the walker inside the house (it must have a compact size to be able to move through all the spaces), than to use it on the street , where there are many irregularities, sidewalks that have to be climbed... Depending on whether the use is going to be indoors or outdoors (or both), there are multiple models on the market that adapt to every need.

If the shopping rollator is going to be used mainly inside the house, one of the most important aspects is that the walker is small and compact. Many homes are small and there is little free space and for this reason, the walker must have a very compact size to be able to move freely. On the other hand, if it is going to be used outside the home (or in both spaces), other aspects must be taken into account, such as having 4 or 6 wheels (and that these are large and comfortable), that it is light (in case you have to get up at some point) and also that it has a built-in brake (to guarantee safety at all times).

Once you have seen the main characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing the ideal shopping rollator, we invite you to get to know our collection of shopping rollator with a seat and a walker, since they are the ideal solution for people who are looking for some type of support. mobility to remain independent and active.

We invite you to also read our article where we talk about "folding shopping carts, the ideal solution for small spaces".

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